28 de February de 2025
By : Airspan / 0 Comments
Case Study Fiskarheden’s Partnered with Radtonics & Airspan to build Private Network to Improve their Digital Sawmill Operations Industry Wood Production Location Fiskarheden Sweden Partner Radtonics End User Fiskarheden Group Download PDF Reference Overview Radtonics, a private network provider partnered with Airspan to build Fiskarheden’s Private 5G network or P5G. Fiskarheden is one of Sweden’s largest and privately owned sawmill. Upgrading its network to P5G will enable Fiskarheden to become one of Europe’s digitalized sawmills. Challenges Fiskarheden uses a state-of-the-art CT, an X-ray technology that scans the quality of each log. Real- time imaging are being transmitted to their quality control unit thus a high-capacity bandwidth was required. The safety of their workers are also well- monitored due to the high-risked nature of their operations. Solution & Benefits To improve Fiskarheden oversight of its operations, Radtonics designed its network using Airspan NPN/Private Network Solutions. It is secure, robust and can be installed outdoors making it an ideal solution for a Fiskarheden sawmill and forestry businesses. Its network infrastructure is now capable of delivering an end-to-end solution to automate its production and ensure the safety of its workers. With Fiskarheden modernized network infrastructure, it has become one of the first company in Sweden to adapt Private 5G Network. The collaboration of Radtonics and Airspan has proven to deliver a unique unique solution for an easy, automated and affordable industrial network. Read More View All Begin Your Smart Transformation with Us! Schedule a Consultation
28 de February de 2025
By : Airspan / 0 Comments
Case Study Mugler Partnered with Airspan to Build Technical University Kaiserslautern’s Private Network to Support its Smart Factory Research Industry Smart Factory Location Kaiserslautern, Germany Partner Mugler AG End User Technical University Kaiserslautern Download PDF Reference Overview Mugler AG, a private network provider partnered with Airspan and Druid to work on Technical University Kaiserslautern P5G research project. TU Kaiserslautern is a public research university that evaluates and tests 5G network concepts for production and intralogistics in close collaboration with the DFKI and the Smart Factory. Challenges The scope aims to test the functionalities of Open RAN based networks such as the integration of AI- functionality (Artificial Intelligence) for automated optimization and its distinct characteristic as a vendor-independent platform. Solution & Benefits Airspan’s OpenRANGE solution was used into the project. This includes AirVelocity 2700, a Split 7.2 “Indoor” radio and CU and DU software which are based on O-RAN and 3GPP standard. One reason for the cooperation on the part of TUK and MUGLER is the advantage of OpenRANGE being built on a virtualized network environment, where the baseband is fully implemented via software and can be used in connection with commercial of the shelf (COTS) server-hardware. Two different vendors were also deployed for providing the core network and the radio access network to test the feasibility of Open RAN as a standalone network. The test results convinced TU Kaiserslautern that 5G Open RAN is the enabler for further innovations in production and intra logistics in intelligent factories. Read More View All Begin Your Smart Transformation with Us! Schedule a Consultation
28 de February de 2025
By : Airspan / 0 Comments
Case Study Betacom Partnered with Airspan to Upgrade MxD’s Private 5G Network to Improve its Operations Industry Smart Factory Location Chicago, USA Partner Betacom End User MxD Download PDF Reference Overview MxD partenered with Betacom to to upgrade its Chicago headquarters and Factory Floor Lab with a Private 5G network. MxD equips U.S. factories with the digital tools, cybersecurity, and workforce expertise needed to strengthen U.S. manufacturing competitiveness on a global scale. Challenges MxD’s upgrade to P5G will serve as a prototype for US manufacturing companies to improve its operations by resolving problems such as factory and supply chain automation and cybersecurity. MxD as a testing ground will lead to the alignment of manufacturing companies to Industry 4.0 standards such as automated production, supply chains closer to customers and end-to-end oversight from production to delivery. Solution & Benefits Betacom worked with Airspan and Druid on this project. Airspan’s Open RAN solutions served as the backbone to build MxD’s P5G using CBRS shared shared spectrum. This was first in the U.S. to have a 5G CBRS small cells certified by the Federal Communications Commission. MxD’s network architecture is a concrete example to manufacturing companies that P5G pushes the boundaries of communication capabilities such as faster real-time data transactions and improved decision making in manufacturing facilities. This is the key to unlock the potential for manufacturers to be more efficient and competitive. With the success of the deployment, this placed Airspan in the position as one the main driver of adapting P5G in the US manufacturing industry. Read More View All Begin Your Smart Transformation with Us! Schedule a Consultation
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