MxD partenered with Betacom to to upgrade its
Chicago headquarters and Factory Floor Lab with a
Private 5G network. MxD equips U.S. factories with
the digital tools, cybersecurity, and workforce
expertise needed to strengthen U.S. manufacturing
competitiveness on a global scale.
MxD’s upgrade to P5G will serve as a prototype
for US manufacturing companies to improve its
operations by resolving problems such as factory
and supply chain automation and cybersecurity.
MxD as a testing ground will lead to the alignment of
manufacturing companies to Industry 4.0 standards
such as automated production, supply chains
closer to customers and end-to-end oversight from
production to delivery.
Solution & Benefits
Betacom worked with Airspan and Druid on this project. Airspan’s Open RAN solutions served as the
backbone to build MxD’s P5G using CBRS shared shared spectrum. This was first in the U.S. to have a
5G CBRS small cells certified by the Federal Communications Commission.
MxD’s network architecture is a concrete example to manufacturing companies that P5G pushes the
boundaries of communication capabilities such as faster real-time data transactions and improved
decision making in manufacturing facilities. This is the key to unlock the potential for manufacturers to
be more efficient and competitive.
With the success of the deployment, this placed Airspan in the position as one the main driver of
adapting P5G in the US manufacturing industry.