Qualcomm Partnered with Airspan to
Build Peachtree’s 5G Network Needed to
Sustain Public AV Services


Autonomous Vehicles


Georgia, USA


Qualcomm Technologies

End User

Peachtree Corner


Qualcomm Technologies partnered with Airspan on the implementation of autonomous vehicles like shuttles and scooters in Peachtree Corner, Georgia. This project aims to improve the safety of vehicles and other road users.


Peach Tree has a population of less than 45,000 people and there are around 65,000 cars that run through the highways. There is a potential to heighten the risk of accidents and congestion. Providing autonomous vehicles can mitigate these risks however a reliable 5G network infrastructure in the city is needed to run these AVs especially that their services to customers are in real-time.

Solution & Benefits

With the support of Qualcomm Technologies, the city has deployed autonomous shuttles and electric scooters. The shuttle has a scheduled time on the bus stops while the scooter can be booked through a mobile app. The scooter can find the customer’s location through its camera lens. Airspan’s 5G solutions served as the foundation of the city’s 5G infrastructure to sustain the robust capacity needed to connect and run these autonomous vehicles. This Peachtree Corners project with Qualcomm and Airspan is one of the portion for the future smart cities. Qualcomm’s launched Smart Cities Accelerator, a program that brings city and industry leaders together to discuss new digital transformation solutions aimed at solving common challenges for fully realizing the future smart city. In this program, Qualcomm also emphasized on the importance of 5G and private networks on the establishing this smart cities.

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